Offering a seamless and interactive experience, with exceptional navigation and viewing on all PCs and smart devices.

We recognize the need for speed, quality and rapid technical support that you require. Accordingly, Hydromer’s new website features many ways to accelerate your ability to access information about our products and services. This includes the potential to immediately connect and interact globally on a 24/7 basis with customer service experts. You can now search for Hydromer products, technologies and solutions by the market you serve or by the substrate material you may need coated or treated. Our website also offers the capability to simply search by a very technical keyword or by the type of products you are developing, obtain answers to FAQs in a matter of seconds, and downloadable “on-the-spot” content such as white papers, brochures, product information, etc.

“Our goal is to continuously improve our website interface to further speed and empower our customers and prospective clients, in what is a faster-paced and increasingly collaborative business and technology ecosystem.”
          -Peter M. von Dyck, CEO.

Please visit our site to see the new and improved website and let us know how we can better serve you and your next project. Click to check it out now!

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