Crystal IS celebrates the company's 20th anniversary

March 17, 2017

Crystal IS today celebrates the company’s 20th anniversary. The occasion commemorates Crystal IS’s history of innovation, from R&D to full commercial production of deep UV LEDs.

“Celebrating our company’s 20th year lets us look back and be proud of what we’ve accomplished so far,” said Larry Felton, President and CEO. “We brought the first commercial semiconductor based on native Aluminum Nitride (AlN) substrates to market and didn’t stop there. We now produce and ship UVC LEDs to innovative companies creating new products for homes and hospitals where disinfection is a priority.”

Over the past 20 years, Crystal IS has achieved several notable accomplishments in technology and people along the way. Five years ago, Asahi Kasei recognized the potential of UVC LEDs with its acquisition of Crystal IS. As part of the Asahi Kasei family, Crystal IS has effectively moved from R&D to full production of UVC LEDs.


Crystal IS has been granted 34 U.S. patents.

Crystal IS successfully transitioned to 2 inch substrates for all commercial production of UVC LEDs. With this increased capacity, Crystal IS now meets the volume and cost pressures of companies designing disinfection products for both healthcare and consumer applications.

The smooth evolution from R&D to commercial manufacturing facilitated Crystal IS production of two important product lines – Optan for spectroscopic application in analytical and life science instrumentation and Klaran for water, air and surface disinfection. Organizations using

Crystal IS’s high performance UVC LEDs include Chelsea Technologies Group, Marion Research and Sensorex.  


Crystal IS has expanded its manufacturing footprint in Green Island, New York as well as Fuji, Japan to accommodate increased commercial capacity. And, with that capacity, the company has grown exponentially, more than doubling around the world since 2014.

Crystal IS employees are recognized as leaders in research and innovation. Employees are called to speak at industry events including IUVA and sit on association committees where industry standards are determined. Crystal IS is currently represented on the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and ASHRAE industry standards committees.