Welch Fluorocarbon became officially registered to the ISO 9001:2008 international quality standard on January 7, 2011.
William Miller, Quality Discipline Administrator at Welch Fluorocarbon in Dover, NH is pleased to announce that the company became officially registered to the ISO 9001:2008 international quality standard on January 7, 2011. The registrar used for our registration audits was Intertek in Boxborough, MA. Click here to view Welch Fluorocarbon's ISO 9001:2008 certificate.
William Miller said: "ISO 9001:2008 registration at Welch Fluorocarbon was truly a team effort. I have rarely experienced such cooperation and commitment toward the goal of ISO registration during my career in Quality Management. All team leaders and team members have demonstrated their commitment to following the requirements of our quality management system and ISO 9001:2008. My thanks goes out to all who were involved."
For over 25 years, Welch Fluorocarbon has specialized in providing thermoformed components to the medical device industry by utilizing thin high performance films. All thermoformed components are manufactured at Welch Fluorocarbon’s 15,000 square foot facility located in Dover, New Hampshire.