Not only are the opportunities vast, but the high-end machine comes with sophisticated software that allows for a level of integration, precision, and control that customers will applaud.
Leading the market in plastic tubing connectors, Value Plastics, Inc. is expanding their product line of over 3,400 parts to include two-shot molded fittings. While companies traditionally employ this technology to create one specific product, Value Plastics has taken a more proactive, forward-looking approach that will allow their diverse client-base to benefit from a variety of unique product solutions.
With this technology, customers will benefit from features such as integral seals and flow control mechanisms, enhanced grips and ergonomics, movable segments, and an integration of various colors, materials, and components. Couple these features with reduced cycle times and assembly costs, and Value Plastics has created a great value-add for their customers.
Not only are the opportunities vast, but the high-end machine comes with sophisticated software that allows for a level of integration, precision, and control that customers will applaud. Ray Townsend, Manufacturing Manager for Value Plastics, explains, “This is a one-of-a-kind machine in that we have employed every available option, and where possible, actually doubled-up on features to provide maximum process control and production capability. The fact that everything is fully integrated and managed under one program greatly contributes to our emphasis on consistent, quality parts.”
The fully calibrated system ensures that process parameters (such as injection velocity, pressure, and temperature) help to uphold precise and consistent production, maintaining high level process control for both the first and second injection shots. In addition to having the ability to monitor these parameters remotely, all critical process data is recorded in the fully integrated system for future reference. What does this mean for Value Plastics and their customers? Cost effective products, improved performance, and increased efficiencies that create more consistent and reliable solutions.
Value Plastics, Inc. makes and markets an innovative line of fluid management components designed specifically for flexible tubing. Products designed and manufactured include quick connect fittings, luer fittings, check valves, tube-to-tube fittings, threaded fittings and blood pressure monitoring components. Value Plastics products find global application in demanding healthcare OEM, research and specialty industrial applications.
For further information, please contact Will Stone, Marketing Communications Manager, at (970) 267-5221 or [email protected] .