Phase 2, a medical device manufacturer (, is taking important steps to make “Made in the USA” the top choice when it comes to choosing a medical device manufacturer.

Rochester NH, January 14--Phase 2, a medical device manufacturer (, is taking important steps to make “Made in the USA” the top choice when it comes to choosing a medical device manufacturer. These steps include using the latest technologies and manufacturing systems, blended with a team culture that fosters innovation, empowerment and pride.  Phase 2 has a strong lean culture that uses Toyota Production Systems (TPS) tools to eliminate waste affecting everything from order entry to the delivery of finished goods to the customer.

“Most medical device manufacturer production lines use what is called a Push production methodology where inventory is pushed through the line,” said Rick Henderson, Production Manager.  “Push causes you to make product that is not needed. So the saying is Make what you need, when you need it, in the quantity needed.”

Phase 2 medical contract manufacturing utilizes Pull production. Pull Production is focused on a Plan-for-Every Part-methodology.  “Having a plan for every part means parts don’t go into inventory unless there is a customer-requested product needing that part at the other end,” Henderson explained. “It keeps excess inventory out of the system, for leaner, less costly medical contract manufacturing.”

As part of this transition Phase 2 is creating a culture that encourages employees to pool their wisdom and experience to continuously improve efficiency and reduce waste at every opportunity. The result is lower cost and increased competiveness in the global market. “We know that in order to stay competitive in the medical device and manufacturing industry we need to embrace the TPS philosophy,” Adam Prime, President of Phase 2 Medical, said. “It’s a company-wide effort and we have the right team members at Phase 2 to accomplish our goals.”

Phase 2 believes there is no end to the process of reducing Effort, Time, Space, Cost and Mistakes. “This philosophy allows our clients options when faced with the discussion of offshore medical contract manufacturing or Made in the USA”, said Rick 

About Phase 2 Medical Contract Manufacturing

Phase 2 medical device manufacturing is a medical contract manufacturing company specializing in medical device development, medical device engineering and medical device assembly for companies seeking medical product outsourcing. With Class 8 ISO cleanroom capabilities, Phase 2 utilizes sophisticated processes including ultrasonic welding, epoxy bonding and UV bonding to build single-use medical devices and provide medical device manufacturing solutions to its client partners. For more information visit