Sensortechnics’ HDI sensors measure absolute, differential or gage pressures in various ranges from 10 mbar up to 5 bar (4 inch H2O up to 150 psi). The HDI series features 3 V supply versions which are ideally suitable for battery powered applications, e.g. in portable or handheld devices. HDI pressure sensors perform precision digital signal conditioning and achieve ultra high accuracies with an excellent Total Error Band (TEB) better than ±0.5 %FSS over a temperature range of 0…+85 °C (32…185 °F).

The HDI series provides digital interfaces with I²C bus protocol and analog 0.5 … 4.5 V output signals at the same time therefore allowing customers to build up a redundancy functionality for safety critical applications. The sensors are intended to be used with air and non-corrosive gases and offer various unidirectional, bidirectional or barometric calibrations as well as different accuracy classes. Miniature SMT and DIP housings allow for space-saving PCB-mounting and maximum OEM design flexibility. A wide selection of sensor configurations are available from stock at Sensortechnics. All HDI pressure sensors can be modified according to customer specific requirements, e.g. with respect to pressure range, resolution, accuracy and internal digital settings.

Important features of the HDI series are:

  • 3 V and 5 V supply versions available from stock
  • Total Error Band (TEB) ±0.5 %FSS from 0…+85 °C (32…185 °F)
  • I²C bus interface and analog output signal at the same time
  • Miniature SMT and DIP housings

Due to the wide selection of different sensor configurations Sensortechnics is able to offer customers the best suitable sensor with an ideal cost/performance ratio. Typical applications of the HDI pressure sensors include medical devices, instrumentation, environmental controls and HVAC.